Friday, November 6, 2009

Charles Johnson Silent on Jihadi Evidence in Fort Hood Murder Rampage

Perhaps we're seeing final confirmation of Charles Johnson's shift to the terror-backing left? This would be a major event, since Johnson made his name as a premiere anti-jihad blogger in early 2000s. So, who knows what's up? Johnson could be traveling today. Perhaps he had a medical procedure scheduled? Or, maybe he's just sick and tired of blogging and decided to take most of the morning off? What we do know is that Johnson's last two posts at Little Green Footballs include a hard science entry and an open thread. Not a word on Nidal Malik Hasan's murderous jihadi rampage at Fort Hood.

Screencaps provided here. The most recent post, "Overnight Birds," went up at 11:07:44 pm PST. The second one below, "Hubble: Birthplace of Stars," was published at 7:54:27 pm PST. There's another LGF entry at 5:23 yesterday on Apple's new "magic mouse," and then at 2:36 Johnson was moved to clarify the military rank of Nidal Hasan, "Fort Hood Shooter Identified As a Major." (I'm not linking to Little Green Footballs, but help yourself to clicking on LGF in your browser.)

Contrast Charles Johnson to those he's attacked as Nazis and racists, like Pamela Geller at Atlas Shrugs, "Arab Street is Rejoicing at the Slaughter of US Soldiers - Give 'em Billions! Give 'em Nukes! But most of all, Give 'em Respect!"; Jim Hoft at Gateway Pundit, "Killer’s Imam Stunned– Describes Nidal Malik Hasan As Quiet Man Who Attended Mosque Daily ... Update: Killer Shouted “Allahu Akbar” During Shootings"; Robert Spencer, "Fort Hood jihad shooter handed out Korans the morning of his attack"; and Robert Stacy McCain, "Another Belgian-American Goes Berserk."

This really should be final confirmation of Charles Johnson's leftist transmogrification. AND, as I'm about to hit the publish button, Johnson's posted a new entry on ... wait for it, an office center shooting in Orlando, Florida. Perhaps, being in Florida, there's a KKK connection on that one, or something?

My thoughts and prayers go out to all of those who have been grieved by yesterday's tragedy, and in Orlando today. (Fox News is reporting that two have died in the attack; added, as many as six may have died, and the gunman has been arrested. See, "Orlando Police Reportedly Arrest Suspect Who Allegedly Shot Six, One Fatally, in Office Attack.")

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