Friday, November 13, 2009

Gallup Poll: Health Coverage Not Government's Responsibility

From Gallup, "More in U.S. Say Health Coverage Is Not Gov’t. Responsibility":
More Americans now say it is not the federal government's responsibility to make sure all Americans have healthcare coverage (50%) than say it is (47%). This is a first since Gallup began tracking this question, and a significant shift from as recently as three years ago, when two-thirds said ensuring healthcare coverage was the government's responsibility.
Note that President Obama's near-year long campaign for ObamaCare has actually turned the public away from government-sponsored health coverage. This is obviously not the outcome the radical leftists would have you believe, and no doubt they'll spin these results in every which way but the truth. Ed Morrissey has lots more (here), and Glenn Reynolds adds, "Americans seem to be becoming steadily more libertarian. Thank you, Barack!" (Via Memeorandum.)

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