Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Hoffman Concedes to Owens in New York's 23rd (VIDEO)

Okay, here's the video from WWNYTV, "Hoffman Concedes to Owens in 23rd Congressional District Race":

On a night that's nothing short of a massive repudiation of the Democratic Party, Doug Hoffman's drama in Upstate New York serves as a wake up call to both RINO collaborationists and ACORN-DIABLOs. As Hoffman exclaimed in his concession, "This is only one fight in the battle."

Michelle Malkin reports on the message to the Republicans, "
The GOP Elite's $1 Million Object Lesson — and the Message of NY-23":

Conservatives owe NY-23 candidate Doug Hoffman immeasurable gratitude. He overcame impossible odds (single digits just a month ago) to come within two points of defeating Democrat Bill Owens. Hoffman had zero name recognition. National Republican Party officials dumped nearly $1 million into the race on behalf of radical leftist GOP candidate Dede Scozzafava, who then turned around, endorsed Owens and siphoned off 5 percent of the vote with her name still on the ballot after she dropped out.

Conservatives’ money went to pay for specious attack ads against Hoffman run by the NRCC like

Conservatives’ money went to support a GOP candidate who shares the same socialist alliances with
fellow SEIU/ACORN/New Party/Working Families Party activist Patrick Gaspard, the Obama White House political director who intervened in the race to secure Scozzafava’s endorsement of Owens.

Hoffman’s candidacy illuminated the stark difference between GOP political opportunists willing to pimp out their endorsements to any old
ACORN-embracing, Working Families Party-consorting, Big Labor crony who puts an “R” by her name — and movement conservatives who refuse to “mooooderate” for the politically expedient sake of mooooderation as dictated by out-of-touch Beltway party leaders. The NRCC/RNC’s $1 million debacle will cost much more than that.

As I’ve
repeated many times over the last several weeks:

One thing is guaranteed at the conclusion of the NY-23 special congressional election: The Beltway Republicans who endorsed radical leftist Dede Scozzafava are going to have indelible egg stains on their faces. And GOP establishment fund-raising organizations will be the poorer for it ...
Okay, Michelle focuses on Hoffman's warning shot to the GOP. But what about the Dems? Well, not only will the leftist media establishment be downplaying the monumental conservative victories in New Jersey and Virginia, Bob Owen's victory in NY-23 will be played up like the 1932 New Deal Realignment.

Here's Roy Edroso, for example, "
Tea Party Over? Hoffman Concedes in NY-23, Democrat Owens Takes Seat Held by GOP Since '93."

And the New York Daily News, "
Democrat Owens Beats Conservative Hoffman Who Sarah Palin and Rush Limbaugh Supported."

And the New York Times, "
Conservative Loses Upstate House Race in Blow to Right" (via).

The Politico, "
Owens Preserves Bright Spot for Dems."

The Reid Report, "
Dede's Revenge: Hoffman Concedes in New York 23."

The only straight-up, no-spin article I've found is at the Wall Street Journal, "
Democrat Wins New York House Race."

The 23rd congressional district will hold a GOP primary next year. Doug Hoffman will be the frontrunner for the Republican nomination - AS A CONSERVATIVE. As Robert Stacy McCain indicates, "
Prediction: Hoffmania Will Continue."

Readers can help Doug Hoffman in his election efforts with a campaign donation. Check the
Hoffman for Congress homepage.

Updates on this story throughout the day ...

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