Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Jodie Evans Calls for Kidnapping of George and Laura Bush!

More from our terrorist-backing friends at Code Pink. Via Big Government, "Obama Funder Jodie Evans Calls for Kidnapping of George and Laura Bush":
One of President Barack Obama’s top funders, Code Pink’s Jodie Evans, is encouraging the kidnapping of former President George W. Bush and his wife Laura, according to new statements issued this week by Jodie Evans and Code Pink.

While it might be tempting to look at this latest effort by Code Pink as an innocuous publicity campaign, Code Pink’s history of working with state sponsors of terrorism and supporting violent protest against President Bush–and their near successful arrest of then-Attorney General Alberto Gonzales–is cause for concern.

Two weeks after meeting Obama at a high dollar fundraiser in San Francisco, Jodie Evans and Code Pink issued a call to action urging vigilantism against President Bush:

When Jodie Evans delivered the voices of Afghan women to President Obama, she was also delivering a demand for accountability. The women of Afghanistan are calling for accountability from the US as well as from the corrupt Afghan leaders that our government supports. How can we have true peace or justice if our leadership doesn’t own up to the devastation they have wrought?

…You can also use our website to track where the war criminals will be and how to do a citizen’s arrest action! Let Bush’s “motivational speaking tour” motivate you to arrest the war criminal!

…With your $10 donation you will receive a gift of our newest War Criminals playing cards–we hope the cards educate you and inspire you to grab a set of pink handcuffs and go make a citizen’s arrest, yourself. Our “how-to-arrest-a-war-criminal” guide is included!

Thank you for helping to hold these war criminals accountable!

Slapping the cuffs on for peace,

Dana, Emily, Farida, Gael, Gayle, Janet, Jodie, Marina, Medea, Nancy, Paris, Rae, Suzanne, and Whitney

The actions being urged and guided by Jodie Evans and Code Pink could result in federal kidnapping charges against someone who takes up their call for vigilantism–or their death as the Bushes still have Secret Service protection.

The second link goes "Code Pink Alerts: October 29."

See the rest of Big Government's exposé,

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