Tuesday, November 3, 2009

McDonnell Leads in Virginia: Democrats Prepare Al Franken Election Theft Operation

CBS News reports, "Republican McDonnell Leading in Virginia":

As the polls close in Virginia, CBS News estimates based on early exit poll results that Republican gubernatorial candidate Bob McDonnell is leading Democratic candidate Creigh Deeds.
Yet, from Red State, "To the Christie Campaign: Remember Norm Coleman and Defend Your Victory":

The race is neck and neck between Republican Chris Christie and the incumbent Jon Corzine in New Jersey. Whether or not this is because of “Independent” Chris Daggett, the man being sponsored by the Democratic Party and the deep pockets of Jon Corzine to split the anti-incumbent vote and thereby ensure Corzine gets to continue his misadministration in Trenton for the next four years, is not the issue.

The SIEU (i.e. ACORN) and the Democrats, as expected, have filed suit to ensure that at least 3000 of their manufactured voters be allowed to cast absentee ballots. These voters are known to be fake because their signatures are wildly different from that on file. As John Fund informs;

Democratic Party lawyer Paul Josephson wrote New Jersey’s secretary of state asking her “to instruct County Clerks not to deny applications on the basis of signature comparison alone.” Mr. Josephson maintained that county clerks “may be overworked and are likely not trained in handwriting analysis” and insisted that voters with suspect applications should be allowed to cast provisional ballots. Those ballots, of course, would then provide a pool of votes that would be subject to litigation in any recount, with the occupant of New Jersey’s highest office determined by Florida 2000-style scrutiny of ballot applications.

What the Democrats are hoping for is a replay of Minnesota - where a bunch of Scuzzies to provide “bipartisan” cover, a partisan Secretary of State and liberal Democrats would blatantly steal the election for their candidate while the Republican is too terrified of offending liberal journalists to do a thing about it.

The question is whether or not Chris Christie is prepared (unlike Norm Coleman) to defend his victory in the post-Election battles that have become far too common in American politics since Al Gore called Bush to withdraw his concession in 2000. The instant the polls close tonight, the Christie Campaign should be on war footing, with advertising dollars ready to blanket the airwaves and loudly trumpet every act of theft and fraud by whatever body is put in charge of overseeing any recount, no matter how many times it is emphasized that the body “Bipartisan” and therefore holy and above reproach.

Christie should not make the mistake of aping Norm Coleman’s strategy of grinning and bearing it in a bid to appear “moderate” and “above the fray”. There will be shrieks from liberal columnists on print and broadcast warning Christie not to fight it and even to concede even if he is in the lead. The Democrats will certainly accuse him of voter suppression, “hate” and “death threats”. But this is standard operating procedure - he would be accused of it no matter how politely and quietly his campaign objects to votes found next week in Jon Corzine’s home in New York being added to the tally. Or even if he says nothing at all.

Read the whole thing.

But check Fox News as well, "
Democrats, Republicans Prepare for Possible Legal Battle in New Jersey Race":

Before the polls even close in New Jersey, Democrats and Republicans there are already bracing for a possible post-election court fight in the airtight race.

Democratic Party officials say they are fully prepared for any legal possibility should the race be unresolved in the next few days and end up in a recount or other messy scenario ...

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