Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Nidal Malik Hasan's Jihadi Doctrines Backed by Muslims Worldwide

Be sure to read Andrew Bostom's, "Which Muslims Share Nidal Hasan’s Vision of Islam?" Bostom makes reference to Nidal Hasan's PowerPoint presentation to Army doctors at Walter Reed:

Our immediate, urgent task is to understand the extent to which Nidal Hasan’s orthodox vision of Islam is a shared vision—and by which Muslims, in particular.

The seat of Sunni orthodoxy Al Azhar University—which functions as a de facto Vatican of Sunni Islam, repeats in “Reliance of the Traveller” its widely distributed manual of Islamic Law, which “conforms to the practice and faith of the Sunni orthodoxy,” circa 1991,

“Jihad means to war against non-Muslims, and, is etymologically derived from the word, mujahada, signifying warfare to establish the religion [of Islam]…The scriptural basis for jihad is such Koranic verses as ‘Fighting is prescribed for you’ (Koran 2:216); ‘Slay them wherever you find them’ (Koran 4:89); ‘Fight the idolators utterly’ (Koran 9:36); and such hadiths as the one related by (Sahih) Bukhari and (Sahih) Muslim [NOTE: cited in slide 43 of Hasan’s 6/7/07 presentation] that the Prophet (Allah bless him and give him peace) said: ‘I have been commanded to fight people until they testify that there is no God but Allah and that Muhammad is the Messenger of Allah, and perform the prayer, and pay zakat. If they say it, they have saved their blood and possessions from me, except for the rights of Islam over them. And the final reckoning is with Allah’; and the hadith by (Sahih) Muslim, ‘To go forth in the morning or evening to fight in the path of Allah is better than the whole world and everything in it.’ ”
There's more at the post.

Bostom link to a 2007 survey from the World Public Opinion organization, "
Muslim Public Opinion on U.S. Policy, Attacks on Civilians and al Qaeda."

The survey was conducted in Egypt, Indonesia, Morocco, Pakistan. The results are deceptive. While large majority express opposition to violence against Americans, there's widespread support for the establishment of the Islamic caliphate in order to stop the spread of Western values over Islam. For example, "Most respondents express strong support for expanding the role of Islam in their countries—consistent with the goals of al Qaeda---but also express an openness to outside cultural influences. Large majorities in most countries support the goals of requiring a strict application of sharia, keeping out Western values, and even unifying all Islamic countries into a single Islamic state."

Bostom notes that this is perfectly in line with the jihadi doctrines of Nidal Hasan and his al Qaeda-backing mentors:

The findings from the University of Maryland/ poll are ominous—indicating plainly to any rational mind willing to comprehend—the vast underpinning of support for Nidal Hasan’s orthodox vision of Islam, from the creed’s most respected religious leaders, to ordinary Muslims. Our self-righteously ignorant elites—particularly those in political and military leadership positions—must be held accountable by the American public for their ignorance, and worse still, deliberate obfuscation of these plain Islamic realities.

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