Saturday, November 7, 2009

Nidal Malik Hasan's Original Suicide Bomber Posting at Scribd: Suspect Adopted 'Strict' Fundamentalism Upon Mom's Death; Media Whitewash Continues!

Dana Loesch has the links to the Scribd social publishing site with Nidal Malik Hasan's fanatical praise for Islamist suicide bombers:

There was a grenade thrown amongs [sic] a group of American soldiers. One of the soldiers, feeling that it was to late for everyone to flee jumped on the grave with the intention of saving his comrades. Indeed he saved them. He inentionally [sic] took his life (suicide) for a noble cause i.e. saving the lives of his soldier. To say that this soldier committed suicide is inappropriate. Its more appropriate to say he is a brave hero that sacrificed his life for a more noble cause. Scholars have paralled [sic] this to suicide bombers whose intention, by sacrificing their lives, is to help save Muslims by killing enemy soldiers. If one suicide bomber can kill 100 enemy soldiers because they were caught off guard that would be considered a strategic victory. Their intention is not to die because of some despair. The same can be said for the Kamikazees [sic] in Japan. They died (via crashing their planes into ships) to kill the enemies for the homeland. You can call them crazy i [sic] you want but their act was not one of suicide that is despised by Islam. So the scholars main point is that “IT SEEMS AS THOUGH YOUR INTENTION IS THE MAIN ISSUE” and Allah (SWT) knows best.

There's some question as to whether Nidal Hassan is the actual author, although the views there are buttressed by increasing information on the suspect's Islamist fundamentalism and anti-Americanism. See, the Washington Post, "Fort Hood Suspect Became More Devout After Mother's Death, Cousin Says." And at Jawa Report, "NY Post: Take a Look at Ft. Hood Shooter's Old Mosque." Also, at the Los Angeles Times, "Retracing Steps of Suspected Fort Hood Shooter, Nidal Malik Hasan: As Authorities Try to Find a Motive for the Texas Attacks, Details of a Devout Muslim Begin to Emerge."

Meanwhile, much mainstream press reporting is pinning responsibility for the bloodbath on the U.S. Army. See William Teach, "
In Ft. Hood Shootings, Grey Lady Tries On The 'It’s The Army’s Fault' Theory." And Astute Bloggers, "WHAT'S MISSING FROM THIS MSM ARTICLE ON THE FORT HOOD JIHADIST? (THE WORDS ISLAM AND MUSLIM DO NOT APPEAR IN THIS NYTIMES ARTICLE ON THE MURDERER)." And, Jihad Watch,"AP: "Anti-Muslim Backlash Immediate" -- But Offers Not Even One Example."

But testimony from Muslim vets rebukes the press spin. See, Fox News, "
Muslim Veterans Group Says No Reports of Harassment of Islamic Soldiers."

RELATED: At Scribd, "
Martyrdom in Islam Versus Suicide Bombing." It turns out the site hosts full-blown suicide bomber discussion groups!

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