Thursday, November 12, 2009

Obama Rejects Afghan War Reinforcements! Wants Plan for Cut-and-Run from Deployment!

President Obama continues to stall on reinforcing American troops in Afghanistan. Multiple news sources indicate that the administration is rejecting all proposals for a troop surge, and the Huffington Post is reporting that the president want details on a cut-and-run from the theater:

President Barack Obama does not plan to accept any of the Afghanistan war options presented by his national security team, pushing instead for revisions to clarify how and when U.S. troops would turn over responsibility to the Afghan government, a senior administration official said Wednesday.
More at the link.

It turns out that U.S. Ambassador to Afghanistan Karl Eikenberry is a significant influence on the president's thinking. See, the Times of London, "U.S. Ambassador Warns Against Afghanistan Troop Surge."

More at Memorandum. See especially,
THE ASTUTE BLOGGERS, Below The Beltway, BLACKFIVE, JammieWearingFool, Jules Crittenden, Moonbattery, Power Line, Stop The ACLU,

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