Monday, November 2, 2009

Obviously Still Smarting From V.P Debate, Joe Biden Attacks Sarah Palin

Here's the video, "Biden Attacks Palin":

This is almost a cathartic release of some long-suppressed anger and frustration for Joseph Biden. Palin's not on the ballot anywhere tomorrow. Sure, she's a player, but it's inescapable that this man is harboring a lot of pain from last year's whoopin' in the V.P. debate -- indeed, it's clear Biden's been nursing a grudge.

What's especially interesting is whether Biden actually sees Palin as a potential general election opponent in 2016. He's never ruled out a run for the White House (unlike Dick Cheney back in the day). Palin will be a contender in a least the next couple of presidential cycles, for example, if she fails to win the GOP nomination in 2012, she'll be a top-tier candidate again in the case of an Obama reelection that year. Thus, it could be Joe Biden running to replace Barack Obama, even if Biden would be 74 years-old. It's a stretch, but John McCain pushed the longevity boundaries in 2008, and Biden's by no means had the same physical wear-and-tear on his body as "The Maverick." (And some of the fascination of Dick Cheney's recent media attention is due to the "what if" factor - what if he'd never ruled out a presidential bid?)

Anyway, President Reagan was elected to a second term when he was almost 74 -- so who knows? Biden's a slick-sneaky f***. For more on that, see "Biden v. Palin — The Re-Match" (via Memeorandum).

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