Thursday, November 12, 2009

Sarah Palin on Oprah Winfrey Show

Okay, the video's got clips of two segments from Oprah Winfrey's interview with Sarah Palin, airing Monday. At the first snippet, Palin's smart to confess that she bombed her Katie Couric interview during last year's campaign. I'm frankly trying to remember it. I have a better recollection of her stint with Charles Gibson at ABC, which wasn't the best performance either. Nevertheless, those were big league trials and Palin's now got a wealth of experience to help her prepare for a 2012 run, which is looking all but inevitable. Matthew Continetti's got an analysis, "Can Sarah Palin Make a Comeback?" (And recall that Continetti's the author of a recent, acclaimed book on Palin, The Persecution of Sarah Palin: How the Elite Media Tried to Bring Down a Rising Star.)

At the second clip, Oprah asks Palin if Levi Johnston will be invited to Thanksgiving dinner:

"That's a great question because it's lovely to even think he would even consider such a thing," Palin said. "Because of course he is a part of the family ... He needs to know he is loved ... This can all work out for good, it really can. We don't have to keep going down this road of controversy and drama."
Considering how big of a prick Levi has become, I'd say Sarah Palin's practicing exemplary Christian values. It must take a lot to hold that cheery smile while mentioning the dude. I saw Johnston on Entertainment Tonight (or some other show) a couple of days ago. He's clearly got problems. All the media attention's gone to his head and he needs a good butt-kicking. But he is the father Palin's grandson, so I think she's doing right, as any good family matriarch would.

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