Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Tea Party Victory! ObamaCare Dead in Senate: No Health Care Legislation This Year; Harry Reid, 'We're Not Going to Be Bound by Any Timelines'

The writing is on the wall spells MASSIVE DEMOCRATIC FAIL!

From the Wall Street Journal, "
Cost-Estimate Delay Stalls US Senate Health Bill":

Senate Democrats, hampered by a delayed cost estimate for Senate health-care legislation and a shortening window of time, indicated that Congress may not be able to pass a health-care bill this year.

Aides say that the nonpartisan Congressional Budget Office will not finish a cost estimate for Democratic health-care legislation by the end of the week. Senate Democrats are waiting for the estimate before unveiling the bill and bringing it to the Senate floor for debate.

Asked whether Congress may not be able to pass health-care legislation this year, Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid (D., Nev.) said Democrats would "do this the right way, not the fast way."

"We're not going to be bound by any timelines," Reid said. "We want quality legislation, and we're going to do that."

Reid said he is having regular discussions with CBO Director Douglas Elmendorf and that he has "great admiration for the work that they do."

"I wish I could blame it on CBO," Reid said. "They're doing their very best."
It's clear that the tea parties, which have culminated in the triumph of grassroots conservatism in New York and Virginia (and perhaps New Jersey as well), is disorienting and destabilizing the Democratic big government coaltion.

The right's on track for major gains in 2010, and it's no doubt that healthcare "reform" going to be scaled back dramatically when it comes back to Congress in the new year.

'09 Exit Polls: Vast Economic Discontent Spells Trouble for Dems in 2010" via Memeorandum.

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