Sunday, November 8, 2009

Yousef al-Khattab, New York Fanatical Muslim, Cheers Fort Hood Massacre

From Fox News, "New York-Based Radical Muslim Hails Fort Hood Massacre":

A New York City bicycle cabbie who mocked the murder of American journalist Daniel Pearl and posted a prayer on the Web calling for the murder of Jews is now sending a "Get Well Soon" message to the suspected Fort Hood gunman, the New York Post reported.

Yousef al-Khattab, 41, a radical Muslim in the borough of Queens who runs, claims on the site that the soldiers massacred at the Texas base deserved to be massacred, and he insists the victims are in "eternal hellfire." As for the suspected gunman — Army psychiatrist Maj. Nidal Malik Hasan — Al-Khattab hails him as a hero.

"An officer and a gentleman was injured while partaking in a pre-emptive attack," al-Khattab wrote on the site. "Get well soon Major Nidal. We love you."

Al-Khattab, a Jewish-born New Jersey native formerly named Joseph Cohen, converted to Islam in 2004. Known by the FBI for posting radical messages online, al-Khattab claims that the 13 murdered and 38 wounded soldiers at Fort Hood were "terrorists" who deserved to die.

"These people are soldiers in a volunteer army," al-Khattab told the Post. "They expect to see combat. They know the danger."

"Rest assured the slain terrorists at Ft. Hood are in the eternal hellfire," al-Khattab writes online.
Also, "New York-Based Muslim's Web Site Calls for God to 'Kill the Jews'."

Plus, more here, "
U.S. Based Revolution Muslim Website Spreading Messages of Hate." I actually visited Al-Kattab's hate-driven website this morning, via Kathy MacGinn's post, "Homegrown Hate."

See also, the New York Post, "
America-Hater in Queens Hails Hood Massacre."

RELATED: Jeffrey Goldberg,
When Muslims Commit Violence. (Via Memeorandum.) Plus, Robert Stacy McCain, "Fort Hood Massacre: Jeffrey Goldberg on the See-No-Evil Elite."

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