Sunday, February 1, 2009

Ann Althouse: Bangs and Nipple

Ann Althouse has scanned some pictures of herself from the 1970s. The second one caught my eye, not just for Ann's beautiful hair and bangs, but also for her left nipple straining to poke through her chemise:

Ann Althouse

Ann's in her late '50s, so she's about 25 years-old according to the date of the picture (1976). I was just entering high school about that time, and I'm trying to remember how women presented their sexier sides back then. Nowadays on campus (circa 2006-2009), it seems deep-cleavage bustier-types of tops are de rigeur. I think young women today who normally wouldn't be pumping themselves up as "totally hot" nevertheless dress in a tone that is more expressly sexy than the girls I dated as an adolescent young man.

That said, although "
tube tops" or some variation were popular back in the seventies, I think Ann captures the more wholesomely-hot look of Farrah Fawcett's 1976 superstar "red swimsuit" poster.

Anyway, Ann's one of the very best bloggers out there, and I meant to do something about the really dumb attack on her last week at Media Matters (Ann's not at all dogmatically conservative as her detracters allege), but never got around to it.

Oh yeah ... commenters will please save the sexist slurs against me and this post. Althouse is a well-known
breast-blogging specialist herself, and I'm sure she can understand the aesthetic blogginess of my current entry into the genre.

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