Sunday, January 18, 2009

About the Comments

Here's this from one of the leftist commenters at my post yesterday: "I have noticed a lot of your former commenters have abandoned this page."

This is the second or third time I've seen observations like this in the comment threads at recent posts. Some of the lefties apparently sense a victory of sorts, that they've defeated me, or driven away readers. So, I thought I'd respond and put things in perspective around here.

Yes, some commenters have decided they'd rather not participate in the comment threads. As noted previously elsewhere, I routinely get e-mails from readers thanking me for my work here, and urging me to keep it up. Norman Gersman, a fine man who wrote
a guest post at American Power two weeks ago, is one example.

But let me share, by permission, a couple of remarks from readers who wish to remain anonymous:
Donald ... you've given me a lot of hope over the past year. One day I hope, my friend, we will clink our glasses and discuss our world and the greatness of our country together!

Keep the home fires burning, while I am reluctant to post in your blog due to some nefarious posters, I do appreciate your existence, because it gives me a sense of security to know that you are out there, with my similar interests and beliefs at your core!
I have highlighted the key portion above on the nature of the "progressive" commenters. The adjective "nefarious" is particularly interesting in this context, as it's defined as "extremely wicked" and its related and synonymous terms include "abominable," "debased," and "heinous," among many others.

These words correspond with the feelings of another reader here, who often tells me she is "horrified" at the unspeakable monstrosity of the left's ideological amorality and the ready nihilism in the threads:

Donald ... I just got caught up on your blog, since yesterday ...

To say that the commenters are really bad, is being too kind. Honestly, I can hardly read them, anymore. They make me sick. After reading the few that were posted the last time I checked, I kept asking myself 'whose children are they ... what kind of people instilled in them, the horrible mindset that they have? ...

I am really sick in my very soul, Donald. I can't believe that there are people like that, who really think like that. It sickens me in a way that I can't even describe. And to think that for every single one of the worst commenters, there are thousands more, with even worse, and more depraved ideologies. Knowing that it is only going to get worse after the inauguration, only makes it more devastating. I can't believe that things will ever be right in our country again ... not ever.

The radical progressives, the perverted, God-hating liberals laugh in His face, and deride people with true morals, and reverence for God. If only they knew how short their time will be for doing that, and the terrible consequences of it. Those commenters think that they are so clever, and laugh at you for your determination in exposing them for what they are ... but did you notice that Repsac3 ... Why do they keep coming back, I wonder? I don't comment anymore, because I don't want any of them ever coming to my blog, for any reason.

Again, these readers are anonymous. I wish they could comment on my blog, and they may sometime, but it's up to them if they feel safe and not unclean. People know that I try to respect most commenters, even those who disagree with me, and people of all persuasions are free to participate at my house, as long as they don't attack me or other posters with racism, anti-Semitism, or personal threats.

But let me dwell on Repsac3 for a minute, since my second reader above mentioned him. While he's by no means the only one causing literal fits of incredulity and moral horror, Repsac3 and his "progressive" blogging alliance truly illustrate what's wrong with the contemporary ideological left in American politics today.

I use the term "nihilist" frequently. Nihilism as philosophy goes back to Friedrich Nietzsche and the ideology of nothingness. But there are many strands, and some more recent philosophers describe a "postmodern nihilism" that's closest to my usage. Hyperdictionary suggests nihilism is a "complete denial of all established authority and institutions," and Merriam-Webster discusses nihilism as "a doctrine that denies any objective ground of truth and especially of moral truths."According to Wikipedia: "Postmodern and poststructuralist thought deny the very grounds on which Western cultures have based their 'truths': absolute knowledge and meaning, a 'decentralization' of authorship, the accumulation of positive knowledge, historical progress, and the ideals of humanism and the Enlightenment."

Perhaps folks can quibble on the fine details and epistemological foundations. I simply use "nihilist" as my shorthand for the radical secularists who are out to destroy America's traditional culture and institutions.

Repsac3 has long had a particular obssession with my blogging, and he's made an endless project in futility of trying to put me down. He does not make arguments, nor does he write his own essays. He offers usually unrelated red herrings and evasions, and shifts the burden of proof away from central assertions identifying his "progressive" anti-American project. He denies his postmodernism while constantly spouting its central tenets. When confronted with the extreme radicalism of groups like International ANSWER, the leading hardline Stalinist organization which has been leading demonstrating against Proposition 8 and Israel's Gaza incurson, Repsac3 writes long, incoherent disavowals that such protesters have anything to do with "progressives."

This is part and parcel to the postmodern project. As Dr. Sanity indicates this morning, "don't waste your time looking for any sense or consistency in the contradictory demands and rhetoric of the political postmodern demagogues. They will say whatever they need to say in order to obtain and keep power."

Indeed. It is all about power, and more: To Repsac3 and his allies, traditionalism is all a joke. Conservatives are just plain evil. They are a bunch of clinically-deranged extremists spouting racism and archaic values of hierarchy. Repsac3 has literally said he is "laughing" at me and my readers, and he's created a whole new blogging platform to prove it: "American Nihilist."

At risk of feeding the monster, I'm responding here nevertheless to respond in general to this attack on traditionalism, and also to express my disappointment with what's franky the childishness in folks like this. A look at
the blog, first of all, shows the inclusion of links to J.D., who is not welcomed at American Power because of his rancid anti-Semitism. Repsac3 links to Andrew Sullivan as well, an anti-Semitic who last year proved beyond any doubt that radical progressivism and wild homosexual licentiousness are acceptable practices at the top levels of mainstream journalism. Repsac3 also links to The Swashzone, a group blog to which he belongs, and whose proprietor has sent to my inbox empty yet wicked e-mail threats against me and my family.

These are bad people, and while it may be a "waste" to chronicle and repudiate them, recall that this is why I initially started blogging, as I wrote in April 2006: "No other single topic or object of analysis in my entire career as a political scientist has worried me as has contemporary anti-Americanism."

People like this have no foundations of universal right and good. They prescribe to a cultural self-actualization of "free to be me" and the denial of Judeo-Christian nationalism. Repsac3 has identified himself as Unitarian, which has been described as a "theologically liberal religion" that rejects the bulk of Christian tradition. That makes sense. In response to my post yesterday defending the Anglo-Protestant model of American national identity, Repsac3 said "I see our traditions & ways of thinking ... taken from our varied national & religious backgrounds."

There you have it: varied national and religious backgrounds ... that is, a postmodern relativism of equality of all groups, traditions, cultures, and norms. With that, it is impossible to denounce the evil in our midst and in the world, because all cultures have moral equivalence and relative worth. It's no wonder that people like this have invested so much hope and irrational love in Barack Obama, himself America's first truly postmodern president. These people hate America, and they'll destroy this country or die trying.

Only God knows if the next fours years will go well for the United States. My readers, as seen in the e-mail comments above, are concerned and even fearful of a virtual end times. I am trying simply to fight the good fight, and I know that what I do is grounded in a humble decency that has not forsaken this country's values for a radical secular humanism that is truly nihilist, anti-American, and self-evidently dangerous.

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