Friday, January 16, 2009

January 20th: Inaugural Indoctrination Day

My campus has sponsored a set of inaugural activities to celebrate Barack Obama's accession to the presidency.

One of these is a talk by Dr. Julian Del Gaudio on the morning of the inauguration, "Democratic Presidents, Economic Crisis, and the Possibilities for Progressive Change."

Professor Del Gaudio teaches history in my department. He is co-chair of LBCC's "Campus Progressives," which is a local affiliate of International ANSWER. One might infer that the "progressive change" mentioned in the title of the lecture seeks to move society much further to the left than the current left-right centrism of the traditional American party system.

In any case, it's funny how we never had inauguration celebrations on campus in 2001 or 2005, when President Bush was elected. That's no surprise, of course, but it bears mentioning.

In any case, check out this essay from Sally Zelikovsky, "
January 20th, Indoctrination Day," which includes this letter to parents at an unidentified elementary school announcing Obama-related activities:

Dear Parents:

As we begin our 2009 school year, we do so with new hope! As a school community we will celebrate the spirit of CHANGE! We have six days of activities planned for our students, culminating in the viewing of the inauguration of our new president on January 20, 2009. We will all be in our Multipurpose Room, watching together as Barack Obama takes the oath of office.

You will be getting more information in the next few days. Most importantly, we invite you to join your child as we view the inauguration festivities. We will open our doors at 7:00 am on January 20, 2009. We will be showing the event live on our large screen in the Multipurpose Room. Beginning at 8:10, all children will gather, and we will have a variety of events taking place: explanations by guests, singing, music performances, etc.

Our fifth grade students will be leaving for outdoor education camp following the inauguration. Parents of fifth graders will be getting detailed information of the schedule for the day including sleeping bag/suitcase drop off, etc.

Third and fourth grade students are asked to dress in "formal attire" ready for the inaugural ball at lunchtime!! This attire can be as simple as a pair of white gloves, a jacket, a bow tie. During lunch recess there will be "ball" activities for all!

Building up to our inaugural event, we will all participate in a Character/Citizenship Week. We will remember that we are all called to "think wisely", "care" and "grow". Children will be asked to bring "change" for "change" (proceeds for global projects).

There will also be a student bake sale and daily fun events during lunch recess (see flyer below for schedule)

We invite all of you to be part of this historic event. Join us on January 20th in our Multipurpose Room as we celebrate together!

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