Friday, January 9, 2009

The Problem of Ann Coulter

I have criticized Ann Coulter at this blog, in no uncertain terms. But she looks fabulous in the video available at Tigerhawk, where she is interviewed on the CBS morning show with Harry Smith:

Watch CBS Videos Online
Harry actually gets to the core of the problem of categorizing Ann Coulter: Is she a satirist, pundit, public intellectual, or comedian? Ann neither writes nor says anything more extreme or offensive than many a left-wing comedian, and she is very often as funny. Her problem - apart from the rank double standard that the press applies to the controversy in her humor compared to, say, Bill Maher, Al Franken, or Michael Moore - is that she wades into serious territory more often than most humorists and often within the same work. To some that makes Ann an "irresponsible" pundit, not a humorist, and it is that categorical confusion that drives the chatterers crazy.
Yes, she does drive the "chatterers" crazy. For example, the nihilist Newshoggers crew in their recent post, "Ann Coulter is Just William Ayers in 6" Heels."

Yeah. Right.

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