Sunday, January 25, 2009

Implications of the Left's Ugly Inauguration

From Sherman Frederick, of the Las Vegas Review Journal, "The Ugly Side of the Inauguration: Obamamania's Mean Streak":

There is a growing faction of the American left that seeks revenge more than righteousness.

Intolerant of dissenting views, this faction thinks as comedian Janeane Garofalo does that some members of the opposing political party should be "jailed." Terrorist acts (such as mailing envelopes of white power to Mormon temples because the gay marriage vote in California went the church's way) are seen by this faction as understandable and acts of legitimate political expression ...

... in light of the things we saw at the inauguration, it may be time to revisit the dangers of intolerance and hate - no matter the color of the person who makes them - and nip this ugly mean streak in the bud.
Note something about the conclusion, where we should "nip it in the bud."

To do that we'd have to restrict freedom of speech and political liberty. So as bad as leftist intolerance is, the solution's worse than the disease. It's better for folks of common sense and good moral standing to continue writing and highlighting the simple ubiquity of leftist intolerance and the Democratic-authoritarian hero-worship in Obamania.

It's not far-fetched to start thinking about a GOP comeback as early as 2010. James Pethokoukis says "
Obama Looks Like a One Termer." Conservatives will be able to make the case against the Democratic Party without restricting liberty. The party's hardline base will pull the Obama administration to the left, and the president's own delusions and megalomania, amid his calls for the largest expansion of government in American history, will also wear thin on the great silent majority of folks who wanted change, not slavery.

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