Thursday, January 22, 2009

Another Democrat Skips Out on Taxes

I haven't written about Tim Geithner's "mistake" of failing to pay payroll taxes, and my sense is this issue should disqualify him as Treasury Secretary. But the Democratic-controlled Senate Finance Committee approved him for the post anyway, so he'll soon be joining President Obama to work on the White House's economic recovery program.

When he gets there he'll join Chief of Staff Rahm "
The Knife" Emanuel, who was alleged earlier to have skipped out on property taxes at his Chicago home (and then perhaps even used his political muscle to harrass the free-speech rights of the blogger who pulled the scoop from Cook County records). Of course, Emanuel, as well as House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, failed to disclose their official roles on the boards of family charities in violation of congressional ethics laws. That's interesting, since some have suggested that Emanuel's personal charity, the Rahm Emanuel and Amy Rule Charitable Foundation, was apparently listed as a primary residence to avoid paying property taxes (although, again, these tax allegations were denounced on the left as "smears").

The Democrats and taxes? What is it with these folks?

No one should be surprised, it seems, that the child of Camelot, that tireless public advocate, Caroline Kennedy, has withdrawn her name from Senate consideration because of tax and nanny issues?

not at all:

Problems involving taxes and a household employee surfaced during the vetting of Caroline Kennedy and derailed her candidacy for the Senate, a person close to Gov. David A. Paterson said on Thursday, in an account at odds with Ms. Kennedy’s own description of her reasons for withdrawing ...
Boy, it hasn't even been two full days and the Democratic "culture of corruption" is picking up a new head of steam. And just think: This is a Kennedy we're talking about here! Who would've thought the daughter of JFK would be just another two-bit Democratic tax-cheat?

This really is something.

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