Saturday, January 24, 2009

"A Breath of Fresh Air": A Reader Writes

Here's a snippet of the e-mail Rusty Walker sent me yesterday, by permission:

Hi Donald Douglas,

You are a breath of fresh air. A California professor that is not leftist! Wow. Good for you. I thoroughly enjoy your Blog. I am 62 and a Republican. I was an artist for 16 years in San Francisco surrounded by the bleeding heart left; then, in the private college sector in Arizona for 20 years, now I am a full time artist ....

I appreciate having you out there in the school system with those young impressionable minds. They are unreasonably stirred by his good looks and charm, listen to his lofty platitudes, rather than the lack of substance in his speeches.
It's always nice to get letters from readers. They are few and far between, and that makes them all the more appreciated.

A lot of the appeal of blogging is community, and it's reassuring to know that when we write there's an audience out there that's moved and energized.

Keep the e-mails coming, and be sure to check out Rusty's excellent homepage.

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