Friday, January 9, 2009

Who Cares About the Palestinians?

Dr. Sanity has emerged from her late-year blogging sabbatical and is already tearing up the web.

Here's this from her post (where she draws on some earlier blogging), "Who Gives a Flying Falafel About the Palestinians?":

If only the world would ignore their continual whining and perpetual victimhood; and appreciate the con game the Palestinians have been playing for decades. If only the world would call them to account for undermining every peace process; breaking every truce. If only the world would focus on the murderous rage and suicidal anger the Palestinians project; instead of focusing on and blaming the objects of that projection.

When I look at the Palestinian situation, I see a bottomless cesspool of swirling self-destructive rationalizations. How many times will Israel have to make honest concessions and take the first step toward peace? How many times will Israelis have to demonstrate their goodwill and willingness to live in peace with these maniacs? How many truces, treaties, aggreements, must be broken - before the world sees the Palestinians for the cheap con artists they are?

And more (with the current outbreak of conflict as context) ...

The Palestinians don't want a state. They just want to live in hate. Like many psychopaths and substance abusers given a "second chance" (and "third" and "fourth" etc. etc.) to turn their lives around by the court, the Palestinian leadership has cynically used numerous opportunities to act out the essential deadness within their souls. At the present time, their national mental state - paranoia, psychotic delusions, suicidal and homicidal behavior; unrepentant aggression and hatred - is unlikely to result in a good prognosis for the future of the Palestinians.

And it doesn't take a psychiatrist to come to that conclusion ....

I don't give a falafel about the Palestinians until or unless they are willing to renounce their hate and violence and stop being the left's favorite victims.

Dr. Sanity links to John Derbyshire, "Why Don’t I Care About the Palestinians?"

All good stuff, and just what we need as we continue to be literally shocked by the campaign of recrimination worldwide against Israel's exercise of the right to self-defense.

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