Saturday, January 24, 2009

Fear and Imbalance! Fox News is the Enemy!

You know Jon Stewart can be very funny, but frankly I rarely watch his show or similar folks like Bill Maher, et al., as they have no sense of proportion (not to mention taste), and frankly they serve as the shock-troops of the mainstream establishment's cultural commissars.

Personally, I don't rely on Fox for all of my news and information, and I'm no big fan of people like Ann Coulter or Rush Limbaugh. But let's take a breath here as we read Captain Fogg, who's sounded the tocsin against Fox News as "the enemy":

The people who watch Fox usually don't watch anything else. They have no idea that the lies and distortions they've been hearing are often repudiated and disproved by all the other news services. They haven't a clue that one of the largest anti-American campaigns, indeed the most organized program of treason against truth, justice and democracy is broadcasting 24 hours a day. Fox is using and will use everything they can find to undermine confidence in our government and anything it does and as you can see is hoping our country will fall and our hopes will fail. To me, it constitutes as great a danger to our future as any foreign enemy or global economic collapse. Traitors, saboteurs, liars and purveyors of irrational hate, Fox News is the enemy and anyone who hopes not just for our survival, but our improvement owes it to the world to use every opportunity to expose them.
That's really strong (and this is not satire), but don't even get me going about the liberal press, where reports from even left-leaning organizations have confirmed a large and systemic bias throughout 2008 against John McCain and the GOP, and in favor of Barack Obama and the Democrats. Not only that, the public is not fooled by any leftist allegations of "traitors, saboteurs, and liars" at Fox News. Indeed, 7 out of 10 Americans agreed in October that most journalists wanted to see Obama become president in 2008.

It's natural for partisans of both left and right to attack and discredit their opponents. It helps, though, to have the facts - not to mention moral integrity - on your side. That, I'm afraid is not the case concerning the ravings of comedy talking heads like Jon Stewart or his unhinged followers who dwell in the bottom muck of the nihilist fever swamps of the progressive left.

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