Sunday, January 25, 2009

Gay Community is Losing Friends

I think Debra Saunders is a little late to California's gay marriage debate with her essay today, "The Gay Community is Losing Friends," at RealClearPolitics and the San Francisco Chronicle. Or, she might be early to the next big round, since the California Supreme Court is expected to rule on the constitutionality of Proposition 8 sometime in early-March.

Saunders doesn't add to much that is new to the discussion. What I found interesting, though, is the comment thread at
the Chronicle's page, where the responses are running about 25-to-1 against the writer - no surprise given San Francisco's ideological milieu.

She's being attacked as a "bigot" who's spouting "typical putrid swill." At least one comment has been deleted for violating terms of service, which was quite possibly a death threat (recall that fellow Chronicle columinst Cinnamon Stillwell has
written about her experiences with hate mail).

I did find one sympathetic comment among the many attacks, which really sums up things:

Debra Saunders' final words of her fine piece say it all --- "The gay community's failure to show tolerance is costing it friends." And California Justice Marvin Baxter's dissenting opinion, in slapping the majority court's reasoning, also says it all --- "The court does not have the right to erase, then recast, the age-old definition of marriage ... in order to satisfy its own contemporary notions of equality and justice." This is a no-brainer for the majority of people of a Christian nation who understand that our creator brought Sodom and Gomorrah to ruin for a similar homosexual lifestyle. Gavin Newsom and the Devil would make a delightful gruesome twosome, most probably with the Cal Supreme Court's blessing.
As noted, we'll be seeing a rekindling of left's attacks on California's marriage traditionalism in a few weeks. The response to Saunders' essay is just a glimpse of how nasty things are going to get.

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