Saturday, January 17, 2009

Islamic Regimes Lead Gathering Storm of "Nuclear Express"

Cernig at Newshoggers reacted predictably to yesterday's Wall Street Journal report on Iranian nuclear proliferation, "Fresh Clues of Iranian Nuclear Intrigue."

Any time there's a new piece on the Iranian threat at WSJ or elsewhere, Cernig immediately denounces it as "beating the drums" for a new "neocon" war in the Middle East, or some other variant of hysterical left-wing antiwar posturing. In this case,
the Journal's authors cite strategic expert Gary Milhollin, who suggests that "There doesn't seem to be any real doubt or debate whether Iran is going for the bomb or whether Iran is using front companies to import things ..."

In rebuttal Cernig trots out - one more time - the cooked findings of an outdated NIE analysis from 2007, citing the author and political hack Thomas Fingar for authority (check
the link for more).

Apparently Fingar still denounces the worldwide consensus on Iran's capabilities and intentions, despite the conspiratorial pressures of the "political masters" of the capitalist classes and defense industry fearmongers. Meanwhile, Milhollin is turned out for the "evil" neoconservative that he is, having been a scholar at the vile American Enterprise Institute. (No outcry by Cernig on the wicked University of Wisconsin, of course, where Milhollin's an affiliate of the Wisconsin Project on Nuclear Arms Control, which is based in Washington. U of W, of course, features one of the most prominent
anti-American Middle East Studies programs in the nation, so that's understandable.)

Well it turns out that Gabriel Schoenfeld's got
a review up today of Thomas Reed and Danny Stillman's, The Nuclear Express: A Political History of the Bomb and Its Proliferation.

We have to be careful here, of course, since Schoenfeld is a former editor of Commentary (not to be trusted, those Zionists!) who holds a Ph.D. from that most totalitarian of institutions, Harvard University! Not only that, Reed and Stillman are past and present nuclear weapons designers working at the pinnacle of the U.S. military industrial complex (Lawrence Livermore and Los Alamos, respectively), no doubt with both of them harboring diabolical designs for nuclear Armageddon with the Mideast's fanatical rogue nuclear despots!

Here's this
from Schoenfeld, in any case:

Reed and Stillman conclude that a fierce storm is gathering. They see the Islamic bomb - whether wielded by Pakistan, Iran, Saudi Arabia or some unforeseen possessor of the murderous weaponry - bringing about a world in which "millions will die" and "more than one democratic society will be consigned to the dust-heap of history."
This is from "two of the world's foremost nuclear weapons experts," as the book blurb describes their work. Plus, on close inspection there's no evidence of ties to AEI, nor any alliance to the "evil" Kagan-Kristol cabal of the Washington neocon journalist-think tank nexus. What a relief!

But check back dear readers! Barack Obama has already appointed the "evil" Robert Gates as a "BushCo" holdover, so the corporate pay masters may still get their Persian "puzzle palace" thermonuclear war before we know it!

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