Saturday, January 17, 2009

White America's Nightmare Vision

Jason at The Western Experience alerted me to the Atlantic's new cover story, "The End of White America?"

I see the story as a preview of things to come, as a premonition of at least four years under President Obama where the hordes of multi-culti PC guilt-mongers hammer the "evils" of white supremacy until the cows come home, all the while shaking down the "white power" system for endless race preferences and set-asides for the generations of "post-white" hip-hop coolsters who can barely read and to whom the term "
four-in-hand" is about as familiar a term as "a hand-written post-interview follow-up letter."

Yep, the times sure are a-changin'.

In any case, I've read
the article and what's really bothersome about it is all this discussion of white America "losing control" amid a "post-racial, multicultural landscape." While there may be some scholars and cultural pundits who are struggling with questions of white identity in the coming minority-majority era, it's frankly leftists who are all-consumed by these trends, and it apparently never occurs to the author of this piece (Hua Hsu, mind you, not James Hsu or Stephanie Hsu, but "Hua," all that much better for multi-culti authenticity), that whiteness is not going away anytime soon. Yes, there's the obligatory reference to cranks like Patrick Buchanan who have sounded the tocsins of the culture wars for decades. No, it's simply that by basically announcing that white culture's "got to go" they're preparing the coffin of America's history of achievement, greatness, and power.

has more:

The leftist and secular parts of the liberals in America are beside themselves over the election of Barack Obama. They see it as away to erase the past of America with a chance at a new beginning to remake America. That, of course, means destroying, forgetting, rewriting, replacing — however you choose to look at it — traditional America how it was and how it is today. In order to form a more perfect union, the current one is got to go.

That means doing away with the supposed hierarchy, the traditional image of America. I am talking about removing our “Whiteness” from the face of America. The liberals and the multiculturalist advocates have the hose and can’t wait to give the country a good white-washing.

To the leftist, the election of Obama can not be about the positive aspects and enduring qualities of an open democratic government based off Western culture. When in fact, the results of his victory are enabled because this country puts a premium on equality and opportunity for all. A man or woman can achieve the highest reaches of human possibilities by playing by the rules, working hard, and preparing for success. It is called progress. It is called the “American Dream.” And may I dare say, it was created, governed, reformed, fought for, bled over, and advanced largely by White People.
Yes, white people, and, particularly, their dominant culture of Anglo-American Protestantism, what the late Samuel Huntington described as the "American national identity."

That identity is not proscribed by skin color. As Jason makes clear at the post, it is that identity that made it possible for this nation to overcome the extreme hierarchies of racial inheritance that consigned generations of blacks and people of color to horrendous discrimination and depredations of slavery and segregation, internment and persecution. That we have overcome is of no consequence to writers like Hua Hsu and his/her multicultural brethren. What is good is we now have a black man in the White House who will be more sensitive to cries of "racism" and outrages of race and class "exclusion" than any president in American history. By training and inclination, Barack Obama is one of "them," and that's not to mention the president-elect's skin color, not the color purple, quite - he not having slaved as a cotton-picker or a share-cropper - but dark enough for him to wear the thorny crown of racial guilt upon his brow.

Just today I read a piece at CNN entitled, "Race is Still an Issue for America." And of course it is. Race will be an issue as long as power is to be gained from racial identity, as long as dividends are paid from the politics of racial reparations.

In this sense, it's somewhat counterintuitive that the first black man to ascend to the Oval Office will simultaneously set back race relations to the days of the lunch counter sit-ins. It's that bad in America today, although we no longer have the de jure racial indecencies and injustices of decades and centuries ago.

White America's "nightmare vision," mentioned in the Atlantic's piece, is not found in the loss of "white majority power," but instead in the ideology of the multicultural left, an ideology that will never let white America live in what should be the coming of true multi-racial accomodation and peace.

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