Monday, January 19, 2009

A Final Gasp of Bush Derangement

PrivatePigg's posted an outstanding essay on the noxious Bush derangment on the ideological left, "Bush Says Farewell: One Final Round of BDS:"

You know, I have plenty of friends on both the right and left side of the aisle, and most of them are pretty great people, pretty level headed, and pretty reasonable, even when I disagree with them. But I can name probably one or two people who can only be described as … out there. Based on my own human experience and interaction alone, I’d say these people are a minority of the population. However, when one ventures over to the left side of the blogosphere, an unusually high number of bloggers seem to fall into that second group of people: out there. And I don’t mean “out there” because I disagree with them, but “out there” because they have a seemingly impossible time keeping even the slightest bit of perspective in their political outlook. It’s one thing to make a point, it’s another thing to simply write a post so full of over-the-top hyperbole that you can’t help but picture some weirdo at his computer furiously typing away while completely flipping his shit over some non-event. Meanwhile the Earth still rotates, America still exists, and tomorrow will be nearly identical to today for roughly 99% of the American populace. One can’t help but picture said blogger being really pleased with himself once he has released his pent-up fury, feeling as if he’s really “zinged!” the President with his prose, when, in fact, he’s more-or-less regurgitated the bare outline of someone else’s talking points, filling in the gaps with inane adjectives to describe Bush, the White House, or the US itself - adjectives that have no business being used outside of discussions about the Holocaust, Stalin’s purges, etc. The blogosphere must surely be unrepresentative of liberalism today, I tell myself.
It's a long, long post, but PrivatePigg does a great job of demonstrating that the trend he sees is not "unprepresentative of today."

The other day, when the
New York Times came out with a final survey on President Bush's dismal public approval ratings, there was an eruption of huzzahs! across the leftosphere, as those numbers obviously confirmed the leftist wet dreams of "the worst president in history."

Down With Tyranny! had this:

Republican ideology is failed ideology. Even as he prepares to finally leave the office he first stole in 2000, Bush is loathed by the overwhelming majority of Americans. Even a third of confessed Republicans think he did a lousy job. The Republicans in Congress are held in even greater contempt. Greed and selfishness is not a valid philosophy of governance. The precise economic policies espoused by the Republican Party that drove this country into Depression with the consecutive terms of three clueless Republican hacks - Warren Harding, Calvin Coolidge and Herbert Hoover (1921-1933)- are a mirror image of what has been served up by Reagan, Bush I, Clinton and, worst of all, by far, Bush II.
Actually, this is even more than BDS, for when Bill Clinton's administration is thrown into the mix, we're looking at a brief for the proposed progressive-socialist agenda that's being hammered constantly by the denizens of the uncleansed netroots fever swamps.

These people are not "fringe" elements of the Democratic Party. This is the party's base. The great test for the Barack Obama administration this next four years will be not so much whether he fixes the economy or reinvests in society (these things will happen), but how well he resists the demands of secular-progressives for the institutionalization of godless socialism in the United States.

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