Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Obama Retakes Oath of Office

President Obama has retaken his oath of office after the flubbed delivery seen at the video:

Obama and Chief Supreme Court Justice John Roberts had both seemingly stumbled over the 35-word oath during Obama's swearing-in as president on Tuesday, leading some to question whether he had properly committed the Constitutionally-mandated speech act that made him president of the United States.

A president is required by the Constitution to say: "I do solemnly swear that I will faithfully execute the office of President of the United States, and will to the best of my ability, preserve, protect and defend the Constitution of the United States."

At the inaugural, Roberts had mixed up the words, saying instead: "...that I will execute the office to President of the United States faithfully..."

And so, at 7:35 p.m. today, according to the White House pool report, Roberts re-administered the oath in the Map Room of the White House.

"We decided it was so much fun -- " the first time, Obama joked while sitting on a couch.

Obama stood and walked over to make small talk with a reporter as Roberts donned his black robe.

"Are you ready to take the oath?" Roberts asked.

"I am, and we're going to do it very slowly," Obama replied.

Obama raised his right hand, leaving his left at his side.

The private swearing-in ceremony, sans Bible, took 25 seconds.

After a flawless recitation, Roberts smiled and said, "Congratulations,

"Thank you, sir," Obama replied, to a smattering of applause.
Now, who messed up the oath? Watching the video it looks like Obama was pre-ejaculatory.

Initial reports have Obama jumping ahead of Roberts, for example:

Separated by a Bible used by Abraham Lincoln at his first inaugural, Roberts asked Obama: "Are you prepared to take the oath senator?"Obama indicated he was, and Roberts started reciting - and Obama repeating - the 35-word oath that is prescribed by the Constitution.

But at one point early on, Obama paused, as if grasping for the next words. Roberts helped him over the brief awkward moment, repeating a few words to get Obama back on track.
Later news stories reported Justice Roberts as having flubbed, for example, "Obama, Chief Justice Roberts Stumble in Recitation of Presidential Oath."

In watching the video above - which is provided by the secular-left news outlet and Obama propaganda organ - it's looks like Obama jumped the gun. Roberts did misstate the "faithfully execute" portion, but the iteration could have begun with Obama's halting first attempt to recite "I so solemly swear..."?

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