Monday, January 5, 2009

Extermination of the Jews, Then and Now

Via Gates of Vienna, a flyer calling for the global extermination of the Jews is being distributed by the mulitcultural left in Denmark:


Recall yesterday that Victor Davis Hanson reported that the worldwide demonstrations in support of Hamas are "nauseating."

It's frankly unbelievable to think that from San Francisco to New York to Copenhagen to Damascus and beyond, we're witnessing the open call on the left for the extermination of Israel and the Jews. It's unreal, but the global situation facing the survival of the Jews is in many respects more terrifying than the European anti-Semitism of the 1930s and 1940s.

Ron Rosenbaum, discussing the program of Hamas, offers a very disturbing historical comparison between the public reactions to the eliminationism of Adolph Hitler and the Palestinian jihad of Hamas:

The people of Germany supported Hitler, yet many still claim the Germans didn’t really know what he was doing to the Jews, gays, gypsies or his plans for other ethnic minorities. Or they say that they suppported Hitler for other reasons. Some believe the German people shouldn’t be held accountable for Hitler’s crimes, some think it’s naive to believe they didn’t know and shouldn’t be held responsible. The people of Gaza voted Hamas in by a larger percentage than Hitler ever got. They knew that the Hamas charter called for genocide and supported Hamas attempts to kill as many Jews as they could.

Should they – and the Americans who believe in “even-handed” treatment of a pro-genocide party be held responsible for Hamas and what Hamas has brought upon the land, the way some believe the German people should be held responsible for the destruction Hitler brought upon Germany? Should the German people who supported Hitler have been treated with the “proportionality” we are supposed to reserve for the Gazan people who support Hamas?

I don’t know the answers to these difficult questions. I just wanted to clarify things so no one was making any false analogies between Hamas and Hitler and ignoring the fact that Hamas was more extreme than the Nazis.
Read the whole thing, here.

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