Sunday, January 4, 2009

Hamas Helpers: Intifada by the Bay

Zombie has the video from San Francisco's pro-Hamas rally on January 2, 2009:

At 22 seconds, pro-Hamas demonstrators lunge at five pro-Israel protesters standing on the other side of a police barricade. After the cops break it up, one of the pro-Israel activists says, "I'm a little spooked."

I'll say, and checking
the comments we see this:
Here’s a big F**K YOU to all the ZIONIST SCUM who think that dropping U.S. BOMBS out of US WARPLANES and KILLING INNOCENTS – mothers, babies, and non-violent GAZA SUFFERERS is a good thing. What if the tables were turned and the ISRAELI COWARDS only had non-guided, big bottle-rockets to fire at their OPPRESSORS?? What then? Would JEWS world-wide be TERRORISTS for FIGHTING FOR THEIR HUMAN RIGHTS?
Actually, Hamas doesn't care about it's own "mothers, babies, and non-violent GAZA SUFFERERS."

Alan Dershowitz recounted the other day:

In a recent incident related to me by the former head of the Israeli air force, Israeli intelligence learned that a family's house in Gaza was being used to manufacture rockets. The Israeli military gave the residents 30 minutes to leave. Instead, the owner called Hamas, which sent mothers carrying babies to the house.

Hamas knew that Israel would never fire at a home with civilians in it. They also knew that if Israeli authorities did not learn there were civilians in the house and fired on it, Hamas would win a public relations victory by displaying the dead. Israel held its fire. The Hamas rockets that were protected by the human shields were then used against Israeli civilians.
Meanwhile, Victor Davis Hanson says the global reaction is "creepy":

It is now clear that the so-called and much praised "international community," the hallowed U.N., the revered EU, all pretty much are indifferent to the survival of a democratic Israel, or are actively supportive of its terrorist Hamas enemy. Only the U.S. (for now) stands by a constitutional state in its war against a murderous terrorist clique, with annhilation its aim and religous fascism its creed.

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