Monday, January 5, 2009

Sin is Deliberate Treason Against the Creator

Clueless Emma's got a great post up today, "The Power of His Resurrection."

The entry discusses "Paul's prayer for the Ephesian believers," and links to
The Berean Call. I like this passage:
At its heart, sin is deliberate treason, open and defiant rebellion against the Creator and Ruler of the universe. We need to remember this fact. Most Christians who, when convicted by conscience, fall on their faces and confess their sins are not really confessing the horror of what they've done. It is not enough to repent of the deed. We must confess also that, no matter how trivial we think the act was, we have repeated Adam and Eve's treason against the Lord God. Without that admission deeply felt as a conviction in our hearts, the confession is incomplete.
Be sure to read the whole thing, here.

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